Exam Types

RIVAIR is an officially approved exam center of Austro Control, the Civil Aviation Authority of Austria. We organize the following pilot examinations.





Flight instructor course (FI)

  • 1 month
  • 100 hours Theoretical training
  • Minimum 30 hours Flight training
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Instrument Rating Instructor (IRI)

  • 5 days
  • 40 hours Theoretical training
  • Minimum 5 hours Flight training
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Advance Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Instructor (A-UPRT Instructor)

  • 3 days
  • 6 hours Theoretical training
  • Minimum 6 hours Flight training
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RIVAIR is an officially approved exam center of Austro Control, the Civil Aviation Authority of Austria. We organize the following pilot examinations.









Flight instructor course (FI)

  • 1 month
  • 100 hours Theoretical training
  • Minimum 30 hours Flight training
Check details

Instrument Rating Instructor (IRI)

  • 5 days
  • 40 hours Theoretical training
  • Minimum 5 hours Flight training
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Advance Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Instructor (A-UPRT Instructor)

  • 3 days
  • 6 hours Theoretical training
  • Minimum 6 hours Flight training
Check details

RIVAIR is an officially approved exam center of Austro Control, the Civil Aviation Authority of Austria. We organize the following pilot examinations.





Flight instructor course (FI)

  • 1 month
  • 100 hours Theoretical training
  • Minimum 30 hours Flight training
Check details

Instrument Rating Instructor (IRI)

  • 5 days
  • 40 hours Theoretical training
  • Minimum 5 hours Flight training
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Advance Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Instructor (A-UPRT Instructor)

  • 3 days
  • 6 hours Theoretical training
  • Minimum 6 hours Flight training
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The PPL theoretical examination covers all 9 subjects in one day. For organizational reasons it is not possible to spread the subjects over several days. The applicant will have to repeat the entire examination if he or she has not passed all the subjects in the four attempts or within the 18-month period.

The examination is deemed to have been passed if the applicant completes all the examination items within 18 months, calculated from the end of the calendar month in which the applicant first took the examination. A passed theoretical examination is accepted for the issuance of a PPL(A) for a period of 24 months from the date of passing.

What subjects do I need to take a PPL theory exam in?

    • 10 Air Law
    • 20 Human Performance
    • 30 Meteorology
    • 40 Communications
    • 50 Principles of Flight
    • 60 Operational Procedures
    • 70 Flight Performance and Planning
    • 80 Aircraft General Knowledge
    • 90 Navigation

A CPL/IR/CB-IR/ATPL theory test may be taken in more than one session, but not more than six sessions. The entire examination, including any subsequent examinations, must be successfully completed within the six sessions referred to above. A session is ten consecutive calendar days. It is not possible to repeat an examination paper within these ten days, otherwise a new session will start from the time of the repeat.

The examination is considered passed if the candidate completes all parts of the examination within 18 months, calculated from the end of the calendar month in which the candidate first took the examination. An applicant must repeat the entire examination as if it were a first attempt if he has failed an individual examination paper in four attempts or if he has not passed all examination papers in six sessions or within the aforementioned 18 months. Before retaking the examination, the applicant shall undergo further training to be determined by the appropriate Aviation Training Organisation (ATO) in accordance with aviation safety requirements.

A passed theoretical examination is accepted for the issuance of a CPL(A) for a period of 36 months from the date of passing.

What subjects do I need to take a CPL theory exam in?

10 Air Law
21 Aircraft General Knowledge
22 Instrumentation
31 Mass and Balance
32 Performance
33 Flight Planning and Monitoring
40 Human Performance and Limitations
50 Meteorology
61 General Navigation
62 Radio Navigation
71 Operational Procedures
81 Principles of Flight
90 Communications

A theoretical CPL/IR/CB-IR/ATPL exam can be taken in several sessions, but no more than six. The entire exam, including any subsequent exams, must be successfully completed within the six sessions mentioned. A session consists of ten consecutive calendar days. No examination paper can be repeated within these ten days, otherwise a new session begins from the time of repeating.

The examination is considered passed if the candidate completes all parts of the examination within 18 months, calculated from the end of the calendar month in which the candidate first took the examination. An applicant must repeat the entire examination as if it were a first attempt if he has failed an individual examination paper in four attempts or if he has not passed all examination papers in six sessions or within the aforementioned 18 months. Before retaking the examination, the applicant shall undergo further training to be determined by the appropriate Aviation Training Organisation (ATO) in accordance with aviation safety requirements.

A passed theoretical examination is accepted for the issuance of a IR(A) for a period of 36 months from the date of passing.

What subjects do I need to take an IR theory exam in?

10 Air Law
22 Instrumentation
33 Flight Planning and Monitoring
40 Human Performance and Limitations
50 Meteorology
62 Radio Navigation
90 Communications

A theoretical CPL/IR/CB-IR/ATPL exam can be taken in several sessions, but no more than six. The entire exam, including any subsequent exams, must be successfully completed within the six sessions mentioned. A session consists of ten consecutive calendar days. No examination paper can be repeated within these ten days, otherwise a new session begins from the time of repeating.

The examination is considered passed if the candidate completes all parts of the examination within 18 months, calculated from the end of the calendar month in which the candidate first took the examination. An applicant must repeat the entire examination as if it were a first attempt if he has failed an individual examination paper in four attempts or if he has not passed all examination papers in six sessions or within the aforementioned 18 months. Before retaking the examination, the applicant shall undergo further training to be determined by the appropriate Aviation Training Organisation (ATO) in accordance with aviation safety requirements.

The completion of the ATPL theoretical knowledge examinations will remain valid of the issue of an ATPL for a period of 7 years from the last validity date of an IR entered in the licence or in the case of helicopters a helicopter’s type rating entered in that licence.

What subjects do I need to take an ATPL theory exam in?

10 Air Law
21 Aircraft General Knowledge
22 Instrumentation
31 Mass and Balance
32 Performance
33 Flight Planning and Monitoring
40 Human Performance and Limitations
50 Meteorology
61 General Navigation
62 Radio Navigation
71 Operational Procedures
81 Principles of Flight
90 Communications