Checklist for the exam and FAQ


  • Address of the relevant venue
  • Personal schedule (Will be sent no later than 3 business days before the exam.)
  • ID / Passport
  • If required – Pen, pencil
  • If required – Scientific, non-programmable, non-alphanumeric calculator without specific aviation functions
  • If required – Flight Computer (non-digital)
  • If required – Protractors
  • If required – Ruler
  • If required – Translation dictionary (non-digital)
  • If required – Jeppesen Airway Manual
  • Payment (Euro, cash)

Registration Process

  • Address of the relevant venue
  • Personal schedule
    (Will be sent no later than 3 business days before the exam.)
  • ID / Passport
  • If required – Pen, pencil
  • If required – Scientific, non-programmable, non-alphanumeric calculator without specific aviation functions
  • If required – Flight Computer (non-digital)
  • If required – Protractors
  • If required – Ruler
  • If required – Translation dictionary (non-digital)
  • If required – Jeppesen Airway Manual
  • Payment (Euro, cash)

Registration Process

  • Address of the relevant venue
  • Personal schedule
    (Will be sent no later than 3 business days before the exam.)
  • ID / Passport
  • If required – Pen, pencil
  • If required – Scientific, non-programmable, non-alphanumeric calculator without specific aviation functions
  • If required – Flight Computer (non-digital)
  • If required – Protractors
  • If required – Ruler
  • If required – Translation dictionary (non-digital)
  • If required – Jeppesen Airway Manual
  • Payment (Euro, cash)


Beside the obvious cost and convenience, the major benefit is that you are keeping your options open to the possibility of acquiring an EASA licence, compared to other less flexible and costly systems.
Another benefit is that we offer plenty of exam dates.

One sitting is within 10 consecutive calendar days. We always try to add at least 4 days within this period.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your exam time in order to ensure a relaxed start.
Please note that candidates do not arrive on time, unfortunately are not able to take their exam. So, please arrive accurately.

  • Scientific, non-programmable, non-alphanumeric calculator without specific aviation functions
  • Mechanical navigation slider (DR calculator)
  • Protractors
  • Compasses
  • Ruler
  • Translation dictionary (non-digital)
  • Blank papers will be provided by the exam centre

Your personal belongings are stored in a safe place during the examination, so you do not have to worry about it during your exam.

  • One sitting consists of two sessions within 10 consecutive days.
  • One session consists of two exam days (Day 1 and Day 2).
  • Inone sitting an examinee can only attempt to pass a subject once.

The theoretical knowledge examinations for the issue of professional licenses and the instrument rating (ATPL, MPL, CPL, IR, CB-IR, BIR) are offered in English only. The theoretical knowledge examinations for PPL and LAPL (A+H) are available in German and English.

Crediting of theoretical knowledge is only possible for theoretical examinations to obtain a pilot's license based on Appendix 1 to Annex I Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011. Crediting of school or professional knowledge or knowledge from university studies is not provided for by law.

License applied

Subjects credited

Based on




IR (A)


010, 082, 090



082, 090


(equivalent /


040, 050


(not CB-IR, EIR/BIR)





040, 050, 090


IR (H)

022 ATPL (H),
040, 050, 090


IR (H)

040, 050, 090


IR (A)

040, 050, 090



040, 050, 090


Yes, you can modify your exam date booked within the timeframe indicated in the exams date menu. (link a vizsgadátumokhoz)

You can pay the exam fee in cash, right before your exam.

No show means failing the exam. Exam fee must be paid in case of no show. Unfortunately, we cannot accept doctor notices about illnesses.

No. You need to contact the head office of Austro Control (, upon the approval you can apply for the exam.
First and foremost, the ICAO license and the associated Type Rating must be valid, for more information please contact

Yes, but you will lose allpasses you may already have and you would start with a clean slate.

Yes, it is possible to take the theoretical knowledge examinations at ACG, if you have completed the corresponding training at an ATO in another EASA member state.

Crediting of theoretical knowledge is only possible for theoretical examinations to obtain a pilot's license based on Appendix 1 to Annex I Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011. Crediting of school or professional knowledge or knowledge from university studies is not provided for by law.

License applied

Subjects credited

Based on




IR (A)


010, 082, 090



082, 090


(equivalent /


040, 050


(not CB-IR, EIR/BIR)





040, 050, 090


IR (H)

022 ATPL (H),
040, 050, 090


IR (H)

040, 050, 090


IR (A)

040, 050, 090



040, 050, 090


You are allowed to use them in certain subjects; however, all the card material is also provided in printed form (A3 - format) by ACG. The use is allowed in the following subjects:




031, 032, 033, 034, 061

031, 032, 033, 034, 061

031, 032, 033, 034, 061

The exam questions are based on the ECQB (European Central Question Bank), which is developed by EASA. Since the ECQB is property of EASA and its contents are confidential, these questions may not be published. Neither EASA nor Austro Control cooperate with third parties regarding the publication of examination questions.

There are several textbooks that cover the material for each of the required exams, and these will be the centerpieces for your understanding of the topics. The books are published by a variety of publishers and your flight school will almost certainly have a preference as to which one you use, so it is worth speaking to them before investing in these books.

You get your exam result immediately after completion of the exam. The exam centre is not sending automatically any results for the examinees after the test. Exam report can be requested by sending an email to

    • If you finish all your subjects within the regulation, the Exam Venue requests the final certificate.
    • The certificate is sent to the examinee’s email address in a PDF form (signed and stamped), approximately within 3 business days.
    • The hard copy of the certificate will arrive at the Exam Venue. The examinee can pick up their hard copy in person or by authorizing someone to do so, during business hours.

The ATPL theoretical knowledge examination results will remain valid for the issue of an ATPL for a period of 7 years from the last validity date of an IR entered in the license.

PPL(A) / PPL(H): All 9 subjects must be attempted in one day on the first sitting.
ATPL(A) / ATPL(H) / CPL(A) / CPL(H) / IR(A): The examinee has 6 sittings to complete their subjects.

An examination subject is only considered passed if a candidate has achieved at least 75% of the possible number of points in this subject. Below 75% there is no rounding up to a positive result: (74.9% will be considered as failed).

    •  If the candidate fails his/her test, a new attempt must be made. The earliest opportunity is the next available date published on our website.
    • If the candidate fails four attempts in a subject, they lose all previous examination results. This implies that the candidate must start the whole examination process again.
    • If the candidate is unable to complete the 14 subjects within the 18-month time frame, the candidate will lose all previous examination results.

No, a passed exam cannot be repeated. An exam is considered passed if at least 75 % of the exam questions have been answered correctly.

The period begins at the end of the calendar month in which you first sat for an exam.

The successful completion of the theoretical knowledge examinations remains valid in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 Annex I FCL.025:

For the issuance of a commercial pilot license, an instrument rating (IR) or en-route instrument rating (EIR) for a period of 36 months from the date on which the pilot successfully passed the theoretical knowledge examination.

The completion of the theoretical knowledge examinations for the airline transport pilot license (ATPL) remains valid for the issuance of an ATPL for a period of 7 years from the last date of validity:

    • an IR entered on the licence; or
    • In the case of helicopters, a helicopter type rating entered on that licence.
      For the issuance of a Basic Instrument Rating (BIR) for an unlimited period.

Unfortunately it is not possible. The examination papers are based on the ECQB (European Central Question Bank) of EASA. Since the ECQB is property of EASA and its contents are confidential, Austro Control GmbH cannot grant any insight into the examination papers. However, Austro Control can provide a weakness analysis upon request of the candidate, which provides the candidate with information about the learning objectives (LOs) in which he has weaknesses.