Exam Locations

Exam location Szeged

H-6722 Szeged, Londoni krt. 22.

Daily exam schedule: between 09:00-16:00

+36 70 523 7075


Parking possibilies:
We are 1 minute walk from ÁRKÁD shopping mall. You can park your car here. (Parking fee applies.)
(Árkád shopping mall)

Parking fee:
1.hour: free of charge
2.hour: 200 Ft
3.hour: 400 Ft
4.hour: 400 Ft
every further hour started: 400 Ft

Szeged – The City of Sunshine

Exam location Szeged

H-6722 Szeged, Londoni krt. 22.

Daily exam schedule: between 09:00-16:00

+36 70 523 7075


Parking possibilies:
We are 1 minute walk from ÁRKÁD shopping mall. You can park your car here. (Parking fee applies.)
(Árkád shopping mall)

Parking fee:
1.hour: free of charge
2.hour: 200 Ft
3.hour: 400 Ft
4.hour: 400 Ft
every further hour started: 400 Ft

Szeged – The City of Sunshine

Exam location Szeged

H-6722 Szeged, Londoni krt. 22.

Daily exam schedule: between 09:00-16:00

+36 70 523 7075


Parking possibilies:
We are 1 minute walk from ÁRKÁD shopping mall. You can park your car here. (Parking fee applies.)
(Árkád shopping mall)

Parking fee:
1.hour: free of charge
2.hour: 200 Ft
3.hour: 400 Ft
4.hour: 400 Ft
every further hour started: 400 Ft

Szeged – The City of Sunshine


Exam location Budapest

H-1094 Budapest, Tűzoltó utca 57. D2 Office building

Metro 3 is a 5 minute walk from Semmelweis Clinics metro station.

+36 70 523 7075


Parking possibilities:

Parking phone: +36 20/30/70-763-0904

Additional exam locations