Exam procedures
Registration Process
- Application from for Aeroplanes or for Helicopters should be downloaded by the applicant.
- The applicant’s personal data must be completed digitally. Handwritten forms will not be accepted by Austro-Control.
- Applicants need only select the subjects for the next session and save the application form as a .PDF file.
- Applicants must sign the application form by hand and have it stamped and signed by the ATO HT/CTKI. A scanned copy of the application form (in good quality) must be returned to examinations@riv-air.hu e-mail, together with a copy of a valid identity document (identity card or passport).
- The application process must be completed before the deadline of the registration period. Failing this deadline, the applicant applicant can only participate in the upcoming examination sitting.
- An automatic confirmation email is sent to the applicant with the previously submitted information by the examinee.
Subjects and attempts
- The examinee has 18 months to complete their subjects after the first exam attempt.
- The examinee has 6 sittings to complete their subjects.
- The examinee must pass 75% of a given subject to pass.
- PPL and LAPL examinees must take all their exams on one exam day.
- If a candidate fails their test, a new attempt must be made. The earliest opportunity is the next available date published on our website.
- If the candidate fails four attempts in a subject, they lose all their previous examination results. This implies that the candidate must start the whole examination process from the beginning.
- If the candidate is unable to complete the 14 subjects within the 18 month time frame, the candidate will lose all previous examination results.
Exam booking confirmation
- Once the booking has been made, an automatic confirmation email is sent to the examinee. In this confirmation letter the examinee will find all the previously submitted information.
- If necessary, the exam coordinator contacts the examinee’s ATO requesting further information.
- Following the registration deadline (no later than 3 business days prior to the exam) a second confirmation / reminder email is sent to each examinee with all necessary information about their exam, including date and exact schedule of the exam, starting times and special rules.
Skipping exams
- If an examinee decides not to take any of the subject(s)or to postpone, cancel, modify (add or remove subjects) their bookings after the registration deadline, it is required to pay an administration fee of €50.
- The provisions of the above-mentioned section only have effect if the actual capabilities of the centre permit the implementation of the adjustment(s) as requested.
- If the candidate does not appear on the examination or does not complete all the subjects on his or her appointment, that will not affect the payment. The item(s) not completed will not be counted as an attempt but will be charged accordingly by the authority.
- If an examinee would like to book for an exam after the registration deadline, they shall send an inquiry to examinations@riv-air.hu. Depending on availability the registration may be accepted. However, €50 administration fee will be charged.
Noncompliance with the examination procedure
Anyone who does not comply with the examination procedures will be excluded from the examination within all EASA member states for 12 months and all items passed so far will be assessed as „failed”.
Attempts to deceive are among other things:
- Use of means other than those permitted.
- Any kind of communication with other students during the test.
- Taking examination documents with you from the examination room.
- Taking notes on the recording paper when the examination subject is not open.
- Use of any kind of electronic devices.
Finishing exams
- If the examinee finishes all their subjects within the regulation, the Exam Venue requests the final certificate.
- The certificate will be sent to the examinee’s email address in a PDF form (signed and stamped), approximately within 3 business days.
- The hard copy of the certificate will arrive at the Exam Venue. The examinee can pick up their hard copy in person or by authorizing someone to do so, during business hours.
Exam policy
- Examinees must arrive on time, at least 15 minutes prior to the start of their sitting.
- Examinees must follow the instructions of the invigilators.
- Before the test, the examinee must put down their personal belongings into the designated – safe- area (bags, coats, etc.)
- Before the test, the examinee must switch off all their electronic devices (phones, smart devices) and put them into the designated area.
- Only the allowed items can be brought to the exam room.
- The invigilators are entitled to inspect the examination equipment and to exclude you from the examination in the event of attempts at deception and failure to follow instructions.
- Examinees must identify themselves with a valid ID or passport.
- Exams are taken on iPads provided by the exam centre.
- Examinees must not communicate with each other during the exams.
- Examinees can only take break(s) between subjects.
- The break time between subjects must not exceed 15 minutes.
- PPL questions are in English or German (as chosen before the exam), CPL/IR and ATPL questions are in English and have been meticulously checked for accuracy.
- Annexes are viewable on screen and printed in A3 size, high quality.
- Exam time is visible on screen and a colour coded warning is issued at 10 and 5 minutes before the end of the exam.
- Examinees who want to appeal a question must do so before the end of the exam.